Thursday, August 18, 2011

A good name for a breakfast cereal following the description of...?

Fruity Puffs, and you could have a puffin as the character. Okay, there is already a fruity puffs cereal. Rainbow puffs??? I still like the puffin idea...

So how exactly were the Nazis "godless" when Atheists weren't allowed to be in the Nazi Party or the SS?

Godless is just a figure of speech describing all of the horrible things that they did to people, don't take it literally.

Is "" a trademarked term?

As of this writing there are 197 different US Trademarks containing the word "" - some of them "live" trademarks, others abandoned.

What should I do with my hair? HELP!!!!!?

I have light brown/dark blonde hair and it's almost shoulder length. I need something that will make me stand out and be myself because I feel like my drab hair is making me boring. I'm willing to do anything with it. I cut my hair about 3 months ago and I have bangs, but I sweep them up and to the side so it does a flip thing. Like Ariels bangs from the little mermaid. I'm punkish but I need to know what looks good. I have a square/oval face and bright blue eyes, pale skin. Websites will work as advice too THANKS!!!

What is this song?!?

it goeas a lil something like this, "i wanna feel you, wanna feel you move!" and i have no idea the name or the singer. all i know is it isnt nine inch nails, soniqua, or elephant man. ive been trying to figure it out for abut a week now. so ansswers soon pleasee.

Is this enough excersise?

it actually sound like a lot, I would rest another day, you don't want to stress your legs too much.

How can I complain to Univision about their soccer broadcasters? They are HORRIBLE!?

The Univision soccer broadcaster Pablo Ramirez is just not the good enough to be in such a big tv network as is Univision, he is always making up "cheap nicknames" and a bunch of other unneccesary comments while broadcasting a soccer game, but as if that wasn't bad enough they've just added Hugo Sanchez that tries so much to talk with a spain accent and has no proffesional ethics when refering to a player, a team or a coach that he like or dislikes. Univision has to do something about it soon...

Cant decide: Doctor or Pilot?

Holy Moly. I am a junior in college and I JUST decided that I wanted to go into biology. That is great that you have ideas and pion for professions at this point in your life, but be wary that you will have almost an infinite number of opportunities to change your mind along the way. With that out of the way, I think I remember hearing someone talk about having the army or military pay for their medical school if they served for a certain time period. Also, being a military pilot is dangerous. I have two family members that are serving as pilots and they are both stationed in Iraq as I type this. It's a sad situation because their parents are worrying all the time.

After the numerous child- scandals, will Catholicism ever be as powerful in the west as it once was?

To me it seems that the objective courts of justice have done more damage to catholicism than centuries of philosophy and reasoning ever did. It's harder and harder to find priests as each decade goes on.

Taxes: SM LLC given loan with interest from Dad - how to report to IRS?

As for the loan from your Dad the short answer is that it is not reported as income. You can report the money you pay him as interest on the loan of capital (should have a written contract as support). If you are trading stocks you will need to report every sale as they all will be reported to the IRS on a 1099B. As for help from a tax professional you might find that they ter as soon as you say something like "day trader". The only ones that will still be there are going to charge you a great deal (and they will earn it). You would be wise to go take a tax preparation course and learn how to properly do them yourself. Don't just go online and try it without some training or you will be spending a great deal of time dealing with letters from the IRS.

My grandma asked me to go to church with her tomorrow. Should I?

I say go. This way there will be no regrets later for you to deal with. If there are issues with the sermon that upset you talk about it with your Grandma and maybe you two can come to an agreement that suits you both. If not church then another activity that is more suited to both of your needs. You're a good granddaughter...Keep up the love.

Does the broken bread in communion relate to the old covenant, as the wine/blood refers to the New Covenant?

see Corinthians 11 and Mark something or other when he takes about what we call now communion. Don't copy and paste anything either unless it a scripture. Dont preach to me either please. Pentecostal or non-denomination views preferred. No catholic, Mormon, or J witness answers please.

Do I have weak abdominal muscles?

I am 17 weeks pregnant and have gained 6 lbs. My BMI was normal when the pregnancy began (24, so high but still normal). I am already showing quite a bit, and the top of my belly on is starting to flatten out. My mom says that I need to ask my doctor about abdominal strengthening exercises because if my belly looks like this now it is going to be super hard to get back in shape after the pregnancy... so this obviously concerns me. The health of my baby concerns me more though, I'm just wondering if she could be right about my abs? I mean, I was in roller derby up to 2 months before I conceived, I don't think I could be in that rough of shape??

Big problem.. help !?

they went for a std test and you're complaining about them giving her pills to stop her getting pregnant i'm stunned anywhere else that would be considered being sensible

Living in the UK - Missing US food. . ?

Awwwww! Poor you! Well, I would say try McDonald's or Burger King. Betty Crocker is quite common, so that shouldn't be too much of a problem. If there are certain things that you still can't get, I suppose you could try cooking more. We have lots of ingredients just hidden away in markets and back shelves. I'm sure you can still make your sweet potato and marshmellow cerole if that's what you like! LOL! I hope you're able to feel welcome here and that you don't feel too homesick! xxx

Most dangerous game question?

He is saying he is ruthless and that killing to him really doesnt make him feel any broader or better. He would much rather kill a mutt and feel more victorious. Basically he enjoys killing what he considers "s" aka other people.

What does this caesura say about friar and Juliet?

“Hold, then. Go home; be merry; give consent/ To marry Paris. Wednesday is tomorrow./ Tomorrow night look that thou lie alone;/ Let not the Nurse lie with thee in thy chamber./ Take thou this vial, being then in bed,/ And this distilling liquor thou off;/ When presently through all thy veins shall run/ A cold and drowsy humor; for no pulse/ Shall keep his native progress, but surcease”

Hospital bill, is it still my responsibility?

Ok, here's my situation. I am a nursing student and I was on the OB floor for my clinical rotation and was observing a procedure to which I ended up blacking out. From what the doctors and nurses told me when I woke up on the floor that I slammed my head in the back of the wall and collapsed to the floor. My nursing instructor told me I needed to go down into the ER to get checked out and I ended up getting a CT scan and an xray of my backside. Well my head checked out ok, but I ended up fracturing my coccyx bone. So now I have the hospital bill and my question is, is even though this happened while I was in the hospital on school hours, am I still responsible for paying the bill? The bill is $500 and I can't really afford it because I am a college student. Your answers are greatly appreciated.

I got my Christmas present from Yoo-hoo....!?

I got two violation notices for asking: Do you think Judas Rabbi celebrates Christmas? Did you get yours yet?

Are the broncos doomed for this season?

First they fire their hall of famer coach, then they p*ss of their pro bowl qb and trade him away, now brandon marshall is demanding a trade. How do you think they'll fair in this upcoming season?

Would you ????

would you be surprised to learn astronomers figured out it was an asteroid that got comet holmes activated?

Am I a bigot for refusing to adopt white people's culture and values? I find it not compatible with my beliefs?

In white countries(Sweden, France, Australia, Hungary, Canada, Romania, etc), there's so much , divorce, infidelity, promiscuity(France, for its menage tois, in Sweden, one night stands are HIGHLY TOLERATED, etc), as well as the abundance of strip clubs and lack of culture and family values. Thus, I refuse to accept their values because I feel disgusted by them. To integrate with whites means I must adopt their ways of life, which are mostly unclean and dirty in my opinion. Am I a bigot for refusing to integrate with whites because of these reasons? I just don't feel white culture is a good influence.

My wife is 38 weeks pregnant, i have some queries?

She should be having doctor's visits every week, ask her doctor at her next appointment. These are medical questions, you shouldn't be asking for people's opinions.

Why are we concentrating on condoms and chlamydia?

good point. maybe its because the authorities realise that chavs are brainless and all they want in life is to produce kids and live on the dole.

Shall i apologize to my mil????

You are upset over this and rightfully so. She was in your house and should follow your rules it is as simple as this. It was rude for her to leave your home without thanking you for being so kind to let her stay with you. 6 month is a long time and does not allow her to run your household. Perhaps you can put together a polite but firm letter which states your point. I am sure MIL is waiting for your husband to come home and to call him first thing. Beat her to it and send her your cart or call her. I bet she does not expect you to speak up for yourself. But if you don't nobody else will. I have seen countless husband just stand by wile their mothers batter their wives. When it comes to their own mothers man seem to loose their ba..... Remember in your home you are the queen and master. Don't let your MIL forget this.

I called in sick to work and my boss is mad at me?

I have been the past week with what could either be bronchitis or strep and today I stayed home from school since my throat felt really raw and on fire. I have a doc. appointment at 4:15 to figure out whats going on, and was scheduled to work at 5 pm. Well one of the waitresses (I work at Perkins) told me not to go in and I needed to rest. So I called in at 1:30 telling my boss I was sick. He got mad at me! I asked one of the waitresses why he was mad and its because now he doesn't have a hostess for the night shift. It was a three hour shift, and I'm really sick. Terrible cold, coughing mucus up, killer sore throat, irrating headache, and mulitple dizzy spells; I feel like the bad guy now. Does he have the right to get mad at me? I called in 3 hours before my shift.

So confused!! Is this too much food for me? Please help xx?

That sounds like a normal healthy person's every day meals. I don't think it will make you gain too quickly.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Question for Libs,Cons,Indys,Gypsys,Tramps n Thieves?

Lets take a short trip back in time. When all this 'great' economic news first started coming out and we saw our elected officials and others coming out of 'meetings' with all of the blood drained from their faces and looking like they just saw their own ghost..what [exactly] do you think these people were told? Have we been told the full story by 'any' of them? Does anyone have a link to a video of these people when they came out of those meetings? I saw a democrat on CSPAN the other day and he let on a little but you could tell he was very hesitant to spill the beans. Also..If some of the repubs were in those meetings and now they are 'not going along' then what does that mean. Don't give that baloney that they're mean and evil and want to destroy our country. We have some questionable people on the hill but we have some Patriots as well. Please be as specific as possible because frankly it's been difficult to sort out fact from fiction. Thanks in advance.

How do I get rid of shin splints?

Im a USAF Pararescue Apprentice Canidate...I leave for Basic then PJ indoc in March and I recently have started getting pain in my right shin and I realized I have shin splints which is no bueno since I center my life around running and swimming any advice? Ive been laying off running for about 3 days now but I cant keep on not running.

The Monarchy Countries?

I have a very important project due in about a week in History. It is mainly about making your own county. And, mine is going to be Monarchy. I hope this makes good enough sense so the question can actually get answered, but. I have to have someone make the Laws. Someone that enforces the Laws, and lastly, someone to interpret the Laws. So far, I have heard that Monarchy Countries are very different from the others, so, can, I just go and make anyone in charge of them just like that? Or do I have to do it a specific way?

URGENT!! does he love me??? please tell me!?

he wrote me a song, makes physical contact, looks into my eyes like he is �hypnotized� and then blinks repeatedly is overprotective, always used to play soccer at lunch or be with his friends but now he spends his lunch with me, he is my boyfriend for a month now and told me he loves me, when he went out with other girls (like my friend) never acted the same ways, he is overprotective and smiles at me all the time, wants to be with me as much as possible, once in a semi-formal party, brought his parents and introduced me to them, im short and so when all of this people were in a circle and I wanted to see he placed himself behind me and shielded me with his body, he doesn't know how to dance and neither do I but he kept on dancing with me, doesn't look at other girls but me, carries my stuff and opens doors for me, in the dance he was 2 hours waiting for me although I told him I would be late and refused to dance with anyone else while I wasn't there.At first he kissed me urgently and carelessly and now he kisses me softly,slowly and much more delicately and increases speed.

How in the world did Bill Clinton ended up being a Liberal Hero!!!? The guy is a moron! A crook, & a geek?

easy, GWB did for him. I was so happy when Clinton left office but after 8 years of Bubblehead, Clinton looks so much better. It's all about contrast.

Mexico vs Ecuador..........?

Mexico is once again disappointing.. In my opinion, they no longer have what it takes.. I am actually bored watching the game. Chivas vs Inter was a lot more interesting. This game is just sad.. and will someone please kick fonseca out. Mexico is playing terrible, i dont know if to blame the players or if it's Sven's fault. Hugo Sanchez did a better job with Mexico while he was coach. I have lost hope! Win or lose next week against Honduras, Mexico will most likely make it to the Hexagonal, but from there to the world cup.. It seems that they will lose to just about any opponent, thats what they are showing.

Is, "Doug would have gone with me if he could of gotten time off from work"grammatically correct?

I need grammatical information. I changed that phrase from "Doug would have gone with me, but he couldn't get time off from work. Am i correct with phrase stated in the main question?

Does he likes me....?

Today in school I was waiting near a clroom saw this guy who I like walking down the corridor I could see him in my view as he got closer to me he started to fix his collar. Then after break I saw him sitting down he was with my freind who hes also friends with I didn't go over because I got shy and I could see him watching me sometime I'd look at him. Later on in the gym I was on a machine and he'd only just walked in he walked past a bit then stopped to look back I think h saw me. Then he went kinda opposite me but not right opposite me in my view . Then after 10mins he went upstairs. After I waited half hour then went upstairs he was still there then he saw me after a bit and carried on what he was doing for a while. After he went in to this area where theres this gl window where this machine was and he could turn and see me easily in his view there. He stood up against the window and looked at me for a sec ,.Then he started the machine he was on and he'd stop and start and watch me and I'd also look at him but look away when he sees me. I went downstairs and its near the area he was in he was still on that machine Then I saw him come down right after me as I was filing up my water. I don't know if he was finished or he was jsut following me. I know this guy I have his number we havent spoken in a while last week I texted him hey hows your day been ?he text me from his friends phone to say he hasn't got credit and that he's allright ad he asked how I was . I've only had 2 conversations with him in school as we never see each other alot. I initiated it first time next time he did and he'd smile the whole time we're talking. I want to try and ask him out but I never get the chance. so would I have to phone him. Does he like me? We used to speak alot through text we haven't in a while as he don't have credit

OK - last time I ask how to get my original account back???

I logged out and logged back in using ORIGINAL yahoo ID and pword and I was AUTOMATICALLY re-directed to the new account, even though when I logged on it went to the ORIGINAL account - what the hell is up with this B.S? Apparently the forum moderators DO NOT CARE ABOUT CUSTOMER SERVICE EVEN FOR PAYING CUSTOMERS, NOW DO THEY? It makes one wonder - when I log on I'm "Paul H' at Level 6, but when I try to answer a question, I'm "Paul Hxyz" at Level 1 - did anybody else have this happen to them, and was it ever fixed, and if so... how???

Is there such a thing as a low p hardware which i could use to alter an audio signal?!?

There is such a thing as a low p filter. It will filter the highs and leave you with the lows in some frequency range. You can buy them on Amazon by searching low p filter. Some allow you to change the working frequency range (more expensive), others will not have any variability (cheaper).

Why wasn't Mitt Romney Selected to be VP. for the GOP?

Mitt has extensive knowledge in business you would think he would have been the smarter more safer pick especially in this day and age where our economy is in a bind. what are the chance in 2012? if you were Barack Obama what cabinet position would you select for him?

Please rate my deck I'm new to the game, Elemental hero deck?

You have way to many cards! I know you may think you need all of them but you don't! Since you made a elemental hero deck---stick to elemental cards. Take put cards like R Eyes B Dragon especially since it has a low attack and since it needs two sacrifices, take out bubbleman because you need the right opportunity to use or it is useless, take out flint, fairy meteor crush, fuh-ra-ka-zah, mariner, necroid shaman, ninja grandmaster sasuke, bladege, and lucky iron axe. Add card destiny hero cards because they really go well with elemental cards. That's all I can say for now---G2G!!!

I've been dating the same girl for 4 yrs and she wants to get married, is it safe to say she wont cheat on me?

I've been dating the same girl for four years, on and off at times, but pretty steadily for the last year or so. Lately, we've been talking seriously about engagement and marriage, and she wants to be engaged ASAP! I am all about it, but can't seem to let me guard down. I keep telling myself that if she truly wants to get engaged asap like we've been talking about for a year now, then she obviously isn't interested in other guys! Am I stupid for not relaxing?!

LT, McGahee, Lynch?

Go with L.T. and Lynch, an up and coming rookie star going against a weak defense. Plus, the Bills are going to be killing the Dolphins, so they'll be running clock with Lynch.

What was the point of god saving all those catholic chilean miners,then letting all the iraqi catholics die?

God is not a person. You can't figure Him out by using the same syllogisms as we use on people. Perhaps something can exist even if you don't understand it, as shocking as it may be to you.

Why do people promote interracial dating so much in the black community?

I don't hear people promote interracial dating nearly as much as they do in the black community. I wonder why is that? Why don't I hear them promoting interracial dating in the white community, Latina community, Indian community, Chinese community, etc...? I swear there is an hidden agenda, well at least that's why I think. SN: I don't have anything against interracial dating, btw.

I'm fed up with obama and his socialist democrat party are you?

You have no idea how happy it would make me if the Democrats adopted a Social Democratic ideology. Heck, I'd be happy if they actually started promoting liberalism.

People from and near Bangladesh?

What do people from Bangladesh perfer to be called...asains, somalians or ?...i have studies to complete..i hope this wasnt a dumb question.

What was the relationship between Cloud and Aerith?

I've watched FFVII Advent Children and I was wondering if anyone knew what the relationship was between Cloud and Aerith?

Is this text correct? im italian! ?

Frightened, he decided to get up slowly and go to the stairs that led to an old attic, which he had never been into before. As Tom was climbing the stairs, he began to imagine what he might find. He arrived at the top, and found the courage to open the door, but all of a sudden he saw, in the mirror in front of him, a white and blurry image that after two seconds took shape. It was a little girl with a pale dress and black eyes.

Was this a decent trade?

Decent? That is a good trade. Berkman is on your bench and Weaver and Greinke is way better than Cano and Holland. Cantu is a good replacement for Cano or you can even put Young at 3rd and somebody else at Utility. You're pitching sucks. The only thing that concerns me is he will have to drop somebody and he won't be too happy with that. But you need the pitching so do it. You can also pick someone off waivers.

AFL finals?

You have NO IDEA. Without the so called interstate clubs, your poorly run down Victorian sides will have no league to play in.

Gears of War Movie

CliffyB said that the guy playing Marcus isn't the super huge buff guy we were all expecting. The only person I could suggest is Ronnie Coleman as Cole, just cause he's huge.

I have 4 questions about VIRUS?;_ylt=Av7sRzQZR867jMWpORpISTnsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090301192159AAOLrCi


I'd say goto the beach...if there is one near you. I live in florida so that is what we usually do when we are low on cash, its free. and a good/pretty place to hangout and talk. If there isn't a beach near you, maybe a lake? or something like that. Maybe get some food or even bring some and have a little picnic. it could be cute.

Fantasy Football- Who do I take at pick #5?

I'd say Chris Johnson of Tennessee. He doesn't have the injury questions that Westbrook has and can clearly score a lot of touchdowns. 15-18 TDs are what I'd expect from CJ this season.

Accused of theft at work when innocent?

It sounds to me like you have a very good case. I would wait until the investigation is complete to decide anything. It may be that you get a big apology or even a raise.

What website can i find printable coupons for stores like American Eagle, Abercrombie, Claires, and so on???

There are no coupons for Abercrombie or claires online. sometimes they have coupons for american eagle though in the mail. i know it sucks but thats the way it is

I need help with boys :(?

Me...? I wouldn't take any of the guys too seriously at this stage... after all, you guys are in your early teens. You're not even old enough to date "one on one." ( car dating should't start till you're at least 17 yo, 18 to 19 yo is even better). Be polite to everyone for now. Treat the guys much like you'd treat your annoying brother or cousin. Joke and kid around with them but don't take them seriously when they say they like you 'n want you to be their girl. He might be saying the same things to some other girl for all you know. It's all just a part of growing up, 'n trying out our social skills with the opposite . Trying to figure out what guys like in a girl... etc. What they like or don't like about you. But anyway, let the guy pursue you, let him make the first move, let him take the lead, you follow (up to a point). Don't phone him or text... he should be the one to phone or text you if he wants to. Talk or text for about 10 minutes or less and then politely excuse yourself and get off the phone / text. He can phone or text you back later, if he wants to. (again talk for 10 min. or less) But you should imply to him that you have things to do, places to go, you have a life, one that is busy, etc. You don't have to give any excuse if you don't want to. Let him wonder, what you're up to. Don't tell him all about yourself too soon, let him discover you little by little.

Teenage weight issues, please help.?

ok see im 16 and i know people say that this thing im gonna tell u is not healthy and bla bla bla but see when i was 14 years old i was at 152 pounds and in 5ft that was alot so i decided that i needed 2 lose weight when my father one day said i was fat i never considered my self as fat i thought i looked good but now that i weight 119 pounds which means i got 9 more pounds to lose now im 5 ft 1 now i see i was a cow lol i seen pictures of me at 152 and i show them to my overweight friends to show them that they can do it. im curvy and everyone in school likes my body i get alot of boys but like i was saying when i decided 2 lose weight i tried that tea name 3 tea ballerinas i drank 2 cups everyday for a week and 4 days and without diet or exercise i lost 9 pounds them when i stopped drinking the tea and i saw my belly flatter i decided to have a meal a day for a month and it was like a sandwich a day and that's it that month i lost 20 pounds them when i started eating alot again i gained 2 pounds and listen i even ate alot of McDonald and muffins before bed everyone in my house and my friends were jelous that i always ate so much a never gained or lose a pound them i was trying to get down because i was at 134 pounds so i exercised everyday hard for 1 hour but i never lost weight and now im 16 and started to eat less than 900 calories and 2 days of a week ate whatever junk i saw and it was like 1400 calories for 2 days of a week and the others like 500 to 800 cal now im water fasting but the third day is hard and i always eatwhatever i want on day 3 them go back im tired of this i wanna be able to have at least 7 days on water to lose does 9 pounds but see i exercise 3 days a week sometime i walk like 4 miles a day when i cant exercise for 2 or 1 hour and see im down to 119 pounds and i have no health or metabolism problem i never gain the weight back so dont belive people that say u will gain it all back once ur off it could be just water weight u gain but that goes off or maybe a full colon so make sure to use laxative twice a week like weekends and u will have a flat belly with a clean colon trust me

Help Please....Foundation Problems?

It may oxidise which makes foundations look darker or lighter when put on the skin. Mac have a really good range of foundations also try out Revlon colour stay!!!! They are true colours to there word

Of The superstars I Have Listed, Who Do You Pick To Win My Fantasy Royal Rumble?

Well you guys all ready know my answer. The Rock! He has all the skills to take out all these other Jabronies. He is one of the smartest wrestlers ever to be in the ring. He would out do all the other wrestlers. But there are alot of other good wrestlers up there too. I guess it really depends when they come out and how long they can last. I still go with The Great One! So know your role and shut your mouth, and watch The Rock Layeth the Smackdown!

This is so confusing to explain, but if u get it... could u please give me advice as to what's going on???

ok, so a few months ago... i gave my crushes friend whom i don't talk to either of them a love note but i asked my crushs friend if he could give it to my crush in the note ok? So I have no idea how this happened but a couple of weeks ago i was on im and some sn popped up on my screen and i found out who it was and they r in the same grade as me, same school, and we are in home room together-9th grade by the way! So I guess who it was and it wasn't the person i slipped the note in that locker , but it was one of my other crush's friends! Here's what i think happened, i bet zach (my crush) gave the note to ryan his friend who got my sn and signed in and started talking to me to try and figure out who i am for zach. But I can't tell and ryan told me that someone must've given my sn to him but he says he can't remember and i think he's just trying to cover it up... so now i think those boys are up to something but i can't tell. And now i was to tel them who i am sort of-what should i do?

I want to make my boyfriend something homemade for Valentine's Day, but I don't know if he'll like it.?

I want to give him something that's meaningful and not just "taken off the shelf". I'm really good at making homemade stuff but I'm afraid he'll hate those kind of gifts and think they're like "girly" or "stupid" or something (example- crocheting, knitting, sewing, woodcraft, etc...all my areas). If I was to make him something like that, what could I possibly make him that he would even remotely like?...and I'm not cheap at all!!! I'm going to buy him something too (what exactly...I don't know at the moment), but I just think it means more if it comes from the heart...

First day of athletics??

I doubt you will do anything on the first day. The coaches will collect everyones physicals and probably talk to everyone about the basketball program. By the second day be ready though. Also, treat everyday in that cl as if it was tryouts, cause this is the time that the coaches are evaluating you.

Chatroom problems. REPHRASED?

Just recently I began to experience problems in chatrooms with regards to NOT seeing type. People ARE chatting but I see NOTHING. This is a recent problem, I have been on line for years

Help! Question about "chemistry" for the Ladies, because I'm confused!?

Does it really matter if this girl has a crush on you? It's WRONG. Work on spicing up your marriage and strengthening the commitment you already made to your wife. Then you wouldn't care if girls have crushes on you.

Did I make the right choice?

As you said, you were tired of all the calls. You don't like her, so it's better that you stopped pretending that you like her. She's better off without you, you're better off without her.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

If your kid had never seen snow, would you stand on the roof with a bucket of sawdust while she runs around..?

the yard in a Gore-tex jacket in 70 degree weather singing "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas" as you sprinkle it on her?

What does allele output show?

It shows the odds of pure recessive traits vs. dominate traits mixed with recessive where dominate traits show only vs. pure dominate traits. zygous is 2 of the same traits which could be 2 dominate together or 2 recessive traits together and Heterozygous is where 2 different traits would be together aka dominate and recessive. I am not sure what you mean by the last question though. Possibly you need more information about the D1S80. Hope i helped.

I need help easy points !!!!!!?

The higher the angle of release, the more potential energy the m of pendulum has, and therefore the kinetic energy will be greater and velocity will be greater, which results in more frequency.

My period has lasted for 24 days and is not letting up. What's wrong?

It was really heavy then went to spotting and now it's back to a regular flow. I am 47 and am experiencing symptoms of peri-menopause. Could this just be another one? Is there anything I can do or am I at the mercy of nature?

Help with NFL bet? Please help!?

Should I take the Ravens -5 to beat the Browns or the Patriots -9 to beat the Bills? Please help I don't want to lose! It's a teaser card.

Who Should i start week 2?

Acctually the Jets are going to try to run a lot against NE because they have a rookie QB.... by the you have IBruce?? how bad are the WRs on the free agent list?

Is Chris Benoit going to be indected into the WWE Hall of Fame?

No, for sure. Altough Chris Beniot should be in the Hall Of Fame they are not going to allow him. He's a great wrestler and performer. He should be in the hall of fame. If you check his title history you would notice that he has been erased from everything. It's not his fault for what he did, we all know that from wrestling itself did what he did. It's because he give a bad name for the WWE for what he did.

Why do so many people think that Black Folks demand affirmative action?

I'm a Southern White man, and I come from the Black Capital of the World, the Mississippi Delta. Black Families and White Families have been living together here for almost 450 years, long before America even existed. Why is it every time I travel up North, people have the misconception that Black Americans demand Affirmative Action? No Black Person I have met ever said to give him or her a job because of his race and exclude other races. Although it is crucial that the Poor Black's are helped because we must remeber that unlike my great grand parents who could save money and property and p it down to future generations, Black's were not even allowed to open Bank Accounts.

Nervous about my teeth and I don't trust the resident dentist...?

Do what's best you sound like a smart (young) lady.It's not unlikely that some of these medical educated people aren't money hungry.

What do you think will happen in 2012?

Nastradamus, The Oracle at Delphi, Edgar Cayce, Maya Calendar and even the I Ching predict something huge is going to happen, Just coincidance? The end of the world? A shift in Conciousness? What do you think? Are you scared?

Heard that actor Bruce Willis was in a B. DePalma Vampire with AIDS movie in the 80's called "Pinter". True?

I can't find a movie by that title or description under Bruce Willis or De Palma's IMDb pages. So, no not true.

Who do you think is the craziest player in NBA history on and off the court.?

I say no one is crazier than Dennis Rodman. This guy didnt care about the rules and did whatever he wanted and didnt care if he was going to get technicals or get tossed out of the game.

British bands vs American bands?

They're both equally good, especially the clic bands you have listened. But music from both countries sounds like crap today, that's just the style of music right now though, complete ****.

Is it christian to exlore the universe?

I don't see why not. I think there is even a page in the bible where he says he created life in many forms on many worlds. If anything, it would go against creationism, but that's not christianity.

Did GW Bush's granddaddy deal with the Nazis and have his company seized for dealing with them?

They went from doing business with Nazis to doing business with the bin Laden family. I guess we see where their allegiances lie. $$$

Why is it that the police want to be the only ones that are armed, but they don't do anything when some...

You are a sad, angry little man, seek therapy. Your kind of anger is unhealthy and blaming nameless others for your deluded feelings is scary. Come to think about it, that is exactly what Cho did in his video manifesto. That IS scary.


i can't count that must have them delivered to his room by his mommy in his trailer since he can't move at all.

Has any other President-elect been....?

Has any President Elect ever been a possible Usurper, or one with such lack of experience and popularity not seen since Hitler? Not to mention his past ociations. Quit pulling the race card, again, typical black politicians, get over it, quit using race to better yourself, it will only hold you back.. Oh, but you Barry supporters want everything so easy, no harsh questions, no name calling, not to the "one", he's different, untouchable, dare the media call him out on his past.. our constitution doesn't matter, yeah right. The question here is, has a President Elect ever been so unqualified to be President, ever? You hear the today show I believe banned that author from going on the show, because her book was negative towards barack? Typical media.. If it wasn't for these computers, and maybe Fox News, Barry would have a lot more support, and a lot of citizens would be uninformed. Also, funny how you call these people hillbillies, isn't that a little racist?

My tooth chipped off a little in the back and its creeping me out Dx is it ever gonna come back?

my front bottom tooth chipped of a lot in the back Dx its scaring the crap outta me >.< am i gonna need to get something super painful done to my tooth or will it just grow back or something Dx (i know adult teeth dont grow back :/)

Will my newborn be ok with milk powdered formula?

I am lactose intolerant and did not ingest milk products while carrying my son, hes now born and Im wondering if I give him milk formula will it affect him?

Muslims and Jesus?

you really are thick they found the lost tomb of Jesus so explain that with your silly tale that makes no sense

Who was more famous? Rate this ...?

I have heard a couple of names from the list (Elizabeth Taylor, Jean Simmons, Judy Garland) but would say Doris Day as she is the only one I know!

Recommend an Anime please?

Ok so i have a gift card to an anime store in my town but i didint know what to buy. i want an anime with really good Animation and fighting. something kind of like samurai champloo or hellsing ultimate but i already have those. any recommendations on animes with good animation and good fig ting scenes, and at least a decent plot?

What are some major stories in the Bible that Catholics interpret as just symbolic/metaphorical?

I would imagine that surely Catholics believe that Noah's Ark, Jonah and the Whale, Adam and Eve, and Jesus Cursing a Fig Tree are not literal...right?

When all electrons are transported out of a building, what happens? very ambiguous/arbitrary physics question?

Since the negative charge of the atom is no longer there then that would probably create a micro-black hole the m of the building, for an instant when the positive nuclii collide together, then then it would explode making a crater the size of Texas.

Period Issue?

You need to get a second opinion. Find a female ob-gyn who you are comfortable with and get re-evaluated.

Harment at chat, IP Blocked, Tunneling Proxies, Random IP?

I would recommend an SQL Injection, grab yourself the mod pwords, and do what you please with them . . .but that's just me . ..

How many watts does my PSU need for this Gaming PC?

That sounds fine. ~600W, and stick with a good brand (Corsair, Antec, PC Power & Cooling, Seasonic).

Monday, August 15, 2011

Why am I attached to such a jerk?

Even after realizing I've been used for mostly and experiencing the worst hurt I've ever felt, why do I still miss him and wanna be with him? He seemed so perfect. He was older(23) and more experienced in everything, was so sweet and gentle.. Then I finally told him off after he wanted to have a 3some and he hasnt talked to me since and it's been 2 weeks :/

According to evolutionists are there many species that devolved rather than evolved?

I love a thinker. Lots of thought has gone into this one. It is my thought that the human race consisted of many branches. Neanderthal and Crow Magnum. The Pygmy and the Merci. American Indians and the Europeans and so on. Many have gone extinct due to war and/or inbreeding. I believe that every branch of the human race was "created after its own kind" but still human, whether physically deformed or normal. I could go on. Thanks for the thought.

Under which administration did outsourcing to China begin?

America is having such issues with all of the outsourcing it does to other countries like jobs being lost and tainted products. I can't remember the last time I saw something made in the U.S.A. I feel the need to get a little background and knowledge and not feel so ingorant. Any good background info would be appreciated.

Does she want to get it on with me or not?

It confuses me too, tell her you're going away for good and her reaction will tell you where all this is going.

What is the chemical equation for the combustion of an ethanol-copper sulfate-water mixture?

For creating green flame, I know that you're supposed to expose a mixture or ethanol, copper sulfate and water into direct flame. My question is that if there is a chemical reaction for that, or is it simply CH3CH2OH + 3O2 --> 2CO2 + 3H2O (combustion of ethanol) with the copper sulfate not reacting (because I know the flame coloration is from the energy being released by the electrons of the copper).

I want to leave my job?

i do like my job but ive got to the top and now i want to try something new, id love to take a home course while still working as i need the money but i dont know what qualifications are good and cant find anything reasonably priced, can anyone suggest any good distance learning companys, if i find the right course i am willing to save for it, but i tried to do a home learning course before and the tutor dident help me cos she never returned my emails or calls i dont want to spend the money and have the same bad experience, any ideas anyone?

How do you get the exact value of 'Phi'?

I know that (1+√5) / 2 is the exact value of the Greek Letter 'Phi'. But, how exactly do you get it?

Was i molested as a child?

If they are GENUINE repressed memories you were molested. I'm not saying you are making up remembering them either. I'm saying some times we have "implanted" memories. Meaning we "remember" things that never actually happened.

Why are there so many Bush supporters on Yahoo!?

I have to agree he was inept but I doubt he was behind nine eleven. I am just glad that eight years is behind us and hope we can dig our country out of the mess he left. You are correct on the fact that there does seem to be an awful lot of Fox news and Rush listeners here though and that scares me for the future of our country.

Genie in a bottle joke.?

There's a Japanese, a Hawaiian, and a Blonde stuck on an island. The Blonde starts crying,"I'm hungry!" Hawaiian said, "Eh, shut up already." Then the Japanese points out that there's a bottle in the sand. The Hawaiian opens it, and out comes a genie! Wow! The genie gives them all one wish. The Japanese wish was that he were a big Japanese super star. The Hawaiian's wish wa that he was back in Hawaii and throw a big luau. The Blonde thinks, "HHmm.. Maybe a cheeseburger, a steak.." He looks around and says,"Hey, it sure is lonley here.... I wish my friends were back with me. He gets his wish, and gets beat up by the two.

Should i get a face book?

i have one, and i really like it. however it's super easy to get addicted, as you stated in your question. i would get one, but don't let it take over your life. also, don't join farmville because that will make you addicted super fast and you have to be on a lot.

Do you think small gaps in someones teeth is really bad?

I have a small gap between my 2 front teeth. Not big, but big enough to bother me. Other then that I think highly of myself, I'm tall, skinny, long hair, pretty eyes, etc. But my teeth have brought me down my whole life. Am I really over-reacting? I've thought alot of guys were cute who have gaps in there teeth, it's never bothered me. But does it look worse on women who have them? I dont have a problem getting guys to talk to me, and I've dated guys who would be considered very attractive. Reggie Bush told me I looked good! And he's with Kim Kardashian! But, at the end of the day, i still hate that darn gap!

New computer build....?

that's pretty kick. i hope you buy more than one ram stick, that mobo has four slots, although with 8 gigs it should be enough...

I forgot a game in this list of xbox 360 games to download?

I'm really disappointed that Fallout 3 didn't make it in the RPG list. It's one of the best games of all time and it was IGN's 2008 Game of the Year. The Fallout series is amazing and is a full blown RPG. I like The Elder Scrolls (which is also Bethesda like Fallout) but I thought Fallout 3 was absolutely mind blowing. Fallout New Vegas also needs to be on there if your going to put the whole ins Creed series up. I thought AC1 was okay, AC2 was good, and AC3 was the best. Also Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is much better than Rainbow Six Vegas.

I have questions on keepers for an NL only 12 team 5 x 5 league?

Kind of a tough call. I'd still keep Hamels at $18 even with his tight elbow. Maybe keep McClellan because he is a decent MR / spot starter and is only a $1. Atkins could be considered also because of the lack of quality 3rd baseman. I think $31 is a little high, but he might go for even more in the draft if others really need a 3rd baseman. You know better than I what other 3rd baseman might be in the draft. Baker could be decent but you might get him cheaper than $8, but maybe not depending on the other catchers out there. I'd take a p on Burris at $7. Since it's NL only I'd probably keep Hamels Baker and Atkins. You could probably get McClellan back at $1 or $2 if you want him.

I want to cancel my wedding!!?

I would say give back the money and pay for it yourself. Even though guests have already booked their flights, you can still invite all of those guests but have a smaller shin dig on your budget.

Can stress cause early labour?

i am 31 nearly 32 pregnant and my son has been really latley, everytime he is and causes me a lot of stress i get pains in my tummy and it can be really painfull.... i am worried that i could go in to early labour and wondering what these pains could be....... any help would be great thanx

What do you think is a suitable age to get clip in hair extensions?

My friend knows someone who is prob getting them and she is 10. I think 10 honestly would be when. IF that person was responsible enough to take care of them while they are in and out of her hair.

Who should I start at QB this week? Romo or Palmer?

Romo is at home vs the Falcons. Carson Palmer is at home vs the Bears. I also have Roy Williams who may start due to Anquan Boldin's injury (A. Johnson #1 WR). Who would you go with at qb? Thanks for the advice.

What do the words "Backside Improvement" at racing mean?

The Kentucky Horse Racing Commission (KHRC) is an independent agency of state government that ... The commission also monitors the Backside Improvement Fund.

Wll you please pray for me ?

i will...but i don't no your name,so i will pray for the 16 year kid with the prayer on the internet! Sound good to you?

Winter Olympic age limits?

What are the age limits for snowbaording (aka:Halfpipe and Snowboard Cross both womens and mens), in the winter olympics and how do you sign up to represent the United States Of America? Because both me and my step-bbrother want to snowboard proffesionally in the olympics.

I would like to start listening to clical music . .?

Listen to my shooooooooow!! a href="" rel="nofollow" I do a radio show on all kinds of clical music. My show is the best resource for someone trying to get into clical music because I play a huge variety of pieces and explain why they're good or worthwhile! I love my shoooooooooow!!!

Having issues obtaining a credit card?

I am 21, not a student, no monthly or steady income, and I need a credit card to build up my credit. I need something with no annual fee. I've been denied by Chase, Capitol One, Target, Sears, Kohls, Home Depot, etc. I contacted my Bank of America. I sat down with the financial lady and she was no help. She suggested this card and I was instantly denied and she said there was nothing else she could do. When I was 16 I got cards in the mail 24/7 calling to activate, but now at 21 nothing. What can I do?

What is meant by a reaction being favorable?

the first reaction formed two stronger bonds (Cl-N) and the expense of breaking a weaker bond (Cl-Cl). So enegertically it is favorable. Conversely, the second reaction breaks the two stronger N-Cl and forms a weak Cl-Cl bond. Therefore it is not favored.

Is this a sonnet of sorts?

yes it is a sonnet , because it has 10 syllables per line (except for the 1st) and 14 lines , and the last two lines are a couplet . the rhyme scheme is also abab-cdcd-efef-gg .

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Governor Perry wants to succeed. Is that American?

It's "secede" and he didn't say that. He just said that if the government continues to ignore citizens, some people might want to secede.

Has Scrubs used "Unguided" by The New ographers in an episode?

I'm sure that's where I've heard it but I'm not sure. If it has, does anyone know the episode/scene (just out of curiousity)?

Should i trade Chad Johnson for Joseph Addai? My team is ....?

yes make the trade chad johnson is flashy, but addai is going to be huge this year if you can start gore, addai, and MJD your going to roll people, plus you still have Larry fitzgerald at wide out.

Is it possible to shrink a 50DB BD movie to around 10GB HD file?

Hi all, I got a trouble that my old Blu-ray player refuse to work, and I really hasitate to buy a new one. So can I just backup my blu-rays to computer hard disk, so that I can also enjoy them if I want to. Besides, it is better to best preserve image quality, since i do not need shabby picture that make me frustrated. and, holding the blu-ray extra elements like chapter points, menus are better. And most all of, i want shrink a 50G BD movie to 10G HD file. Thanks.

Are humans good or evil based on the salem witch trials?

My vote: EVIL. Why? Because a large majority of the "witches" who were tried and ultimately executed were often old women whose husbands had died, leaving them vulnerable to tax demands they could no longer meet or various other manipulations. When the pious church fathers got them condemned as witches, their land and holdings were available for "redistribution." Not only was the whole mess insane, but often proceeded in that manner in the name of one of the ugliest land grabs in our history. When you're uncertain of the motive, follow the money trail. THERE'S something to research. When you get Religion and real estate together, Satan is in the HOUSE!

Dreams about deceased family members?

My father died in 1995, and I still dream of him on a weekly basis. The Other Side is not as far away as one might think. My father still comes to me in dreams to guide and protect me.

My mother sprayed toxic cleaner all over the babies floor and my bedroom!!?

She did it with the closets open so it oculd have gotten on both mine and his clothes and his bottles and that were sitting on teh drying rack and his car seat. I stepepd in it, so I read teh bottle and it says it's poisonious if ingested or inhaled and not to get on skin. Now I'm freakign out and my mother is being ahuge ***** because I said to rewash all teh bottles and that we arenot going anywhere becasue his car seat cover needs to be washed first. Do you think I am overreacting?

Great shot recipe???

I'm looking for a great shot (either name or recipe) using some basic liquor that is in the common household bar. Any ideas? I've got some awesome light-up shot gles for my New Year's party and want to have a cool shot (with a cool name as a bonus). We have rum, vodka, gin, whiskey, cranberry, oj, sodas.

Is anyone watching trading spouses right now?

I have never seen a worse mom or a bigger bytch on this show. This chick (the abortionist, phobic, racist, bigot) is making my blood boil! Does anyone else feel like leaping thru the screen to tell her a thing or two?

Do you have a right to do anything you want to your own body without asking your spouse's permission?

I think you should talk to your spouse. But if you have your own money and pay for it yourself I don't see why they have to really be involved. There are exceptions such as I think the change, neutered, and something as expensive as plastic surgery. the first two i would think for obvious reasons but I will state them anyway. the other may still want to have children and the change because one that is a complete body make over and two COSTLY. Plastic surgery also goes under cost. It can be very expensive and should be discussed. I have no problem with masturbation as people may have needs when the other is unwilling to join. Loose weight I think it doesn't matter though I do not know anyone who wanted to deliberately gain a significant amount of weight.

Taking the contraceptive pill in the long run?

I researched and found an interesting article about the birth control pill and long term use. It basically says if you have no genetic predisposition for high blood pressure or blood clots, then there should be no increased risk ociated with taking the pill, even long term or after that dreaded age of 35 that we all hear about. You can read for yourself at the source below. It may make it more difficult to determine when you have gone through menopause (it actually helps minimize the symptoms of menopause, like hot flashes as the pp had mentioned). Like that pp stated, you may have to go off them for a time to know whether you've reached menopause. Most doctors will instruct you just to remain on them until you are past the normal age of the onset of menopause. I hope I've helped you.

"No Ball incident has made our boys aggressive"- Dhoni - A big mouth ?? (PakArab)?

i get the feeling that they want the tournament to get over maybe because they were tired after the test series

How many shampoos, conditioners do you have?

I have Pantene anti breakage set(trio), 5 of the 24/7 Sunsilk Creme leave in, 1 purple sunsilk conditioner, 1 Pantene smooth shampoo, 1 Regis smooth/shine serum.

What is Brett Favre's record as a starter when playing at Lambeau field?

the funny thing is, the only thing that has a better record at Lambeau in the last 20 years is the Vikings.

How can i get rid of this dangling pronoun?

No, the way Jack Bond did it does not make it a fragment; his way is what I would have written also. It's good; do it that way.

I feel nostalgic and sad?

I can COMPLETELY relate to you, in age and in feelings. I feel miserable and sad all the time, and it's always on my mind. I've considered everything you have, and I long for my childhood everyday. I just try to distract myself by doing everyday activities, even though I'm sick of being normal and fitting in. It's like I have to fit in at my school or else you're an outcast. I distract myself with things that I like to do, like playing the piano and drawing. Drawing gets a lot of these mixed emotions out. Draw what you're feeling, and find something to do that doesn't make you feel like you're fitting in. Also, what I try to do, act like a kid sometimes! I get chalk and draw on the sidewalk, walk to the park, go get ice cream, etc. I try to stay young and act young, even though people say I'm very mature for my age. I'm not saying that teens like you and me are just going through mood swings and hormones, I'm saying that us few teens are going through something that not a lot of people understand and have never felt. Believe me, I'm going through the exact same thing! Pray, and act like a kid! Don't think that you have to fit in, be yourself! Express the child inside you trying to come out! We can do it! And I'm not saying that these feelings will go away immediately, give it time. Trust me, I deal with this too. Best of wishes!!

When Did Illiteracy Become Cool?

Your concern is legit, with the tools offered today like the check spelling on it should be a great cause for concern that individuals don't take 5 seconds to ure that their spelling is correct. For me it's a reflection of their intelligence. Also misspelled words make the reader stray from the point of the writing by focusing on the errors.

Declaring an unknown amount of variables in C#?

I have an ignment to use the MergeSort algorithm which divides an array into 2 equal arrays, and which continues this process until each array has one variable. Then the arrays are combined, two at a time and sorted each time they are merged until only 1 sorted array exist. My problem is that user input will decide how many numbers are to be sorted and I'm not sure how to declare an uncertain amount of arrays and give each of them an individual name so that I can use them. To further explain, if I knew I was using 4 numbers, I could simply hardcode 7 array variables (1 to hold 4 numbers, 2 to hold 2, and 4 to hold 1) but without knowing how many arrays there are, I can't hardcode names into the program. I hope I explained that well enough for someone to understand. Any ideas? I'm using C#.

Nextel blackberry web?

I have nextel service and want to stay that way i have a normal flip phone and i use the mobile web, the problem is that its only the "mobile" web i want to know if the black berrys pda phones have a wider or full access to the internet so i can view anything not just mobile web websites have thought about getting a laptop to carry with me while i am working just so i have the web but would like to know if i can get that on my phone instead

Can I thaw a bag of frozen broccoli for faster microwave preparation?

Thaw as much as you are going to use in hot water, drain and microwave. Leave the rest frozen. By the way, that's a lot of broccoli!

Friend and marriage dilemma!?

Wife doesn't believe that two people (man/woman) can just be friends. I had female friends (platonic) that she was jealous of and stopped talking to them because of my wifes insecurities. My question is this: Would you hide a friendship from your spouse to avoid conflict? There is an old friend (ex co-worker) I want to see (female) and I know my wife would make a big deal out it if I told her about it. What should I do?

Why can't I get '' anymore?

Um.. this is an awkward question but it really needs to be answered... I have been so worried lately because I haven't been able to get 'horny' or ''. I usually got when ever I thought up one of my fantasies, or um.. watched , but now, I don't feel anything down there! It's like female erectile dysfunction or something! I know it sounds ridicules but that's exactly how it feels! I feel that it could be all the medicine and antibiotics I've been taking (I have not been taking birth control, it's just stuff for my Bronchitis). I've had something like this before along with a yeast infection and it was caused by the antibiotics. But I don't have a yeast infection! Right now, I just can't feel anything down there! I'm also sure it's the stress I've been having lately, this only makes me more worried. What if I can't get anymore? I'm really scared, because I'm only 17... Help please and no rude comments, I know it's an annoying awkward subject but I don't think I can talk to anyone else about this...

Computer lesson?

I am computer illiterate. I need a course, before I start working again (probably end of this year). Cles are expensive, so for Christmas, my husband bought me Windows Vista for Dummies. Do you think this is an effective way of learning? He said if I have questions, to call him at work. I can, but sometimes he's not at his desk, or in a 3 hour meeting. What do you think?

Is this true? Opposites are good for only.................?

I think it's true. Opposites attract mainly for ual attraction. To answer your question however, can you overcome it, of course you can. But you MUST communicate. Isn't that one of the most important things relationships are based off of? Simple communication. If you can't do that, I don't know why you would stay together. is great but it truly isn't everything. About shyness. One of you MUST be the dominant personality willing to say SOMETHING and always get the conversation going. You can't have 2 shy people in a relationship without one at least being the aggressor. How you do ANYTHING together? Lol.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

My 3b is kevin youk, someone is offering me mike lowell and ian kinsler for hanley ramirez and kelly johns?

My 3b is kevin youk, someone is offering me mike lowell and ian kinsler for hanley ramirez and kelly johnson. Should i make the trade??

Why is my fiance like that?

in response: about the picture there was a lie b4 about it he claimed the pic that i saw was his friend in usa but eventually came out as his fling in austraila to add up its not only pic. that he has but their numbers to and also i found a box of letters from the ex.. different ex.. and yes i wouldnt know everything bec. he just lets me stop studying and just stay home. and i also saw in a print out an email of his friend claiming he has a daugther which is not 8 years old or something which he denies as well as his family. and yes he gets physical when we fight!

M bird and fish deaths ...........and now Dolphins? Was it fireworks again?

Since we have disposable income that allows careers in research as opposed to obtaining food humans are just now noticing these things that have happened forever.

A student claimed that is an improper fraction. How do you respond? 9/-11?

Unless you use a slide rule, improper fractions are pretty much meaningless anyway. But I don't think -9/11ths is an improper fraction.

The Movie What Women Want with Mel Gibson?

What song is playing while Alex is trying on prom dresses before they play what a girl wants? It only plays the tune of it and its only for a split second. I remember it from when I was younger and its at the tip of my tongue! Someone please help!

Find the Grammatical error in the following.?

Darwin is fretted as his wife Stephanie, cuts her finger again and again while working in the kitchen.

Back boiler wont heat radiators?

We have an open fire with a back boiler. The boiler heats the hot water for the taps to a very good temperature, but we cannot find a way for it to heat the radiators. would there be a switch for a pump somewhere?

Im 20 yrs old, what religion should I pick and why?

ok, so I am a Mormon, and I think that what you have heard is not what we believe, I think that you should investigate, ponder, and pray about what religion is right for you. (and as an interesting side note, the book of Mormon may hold more of the history of the Maya people than you think, but you wont ever know unless you read it, right? :) ) I hope your quest for faith reaps the rewards that you seek. Best of luck to you!

What should my sister say to her "daughter" ?

My sister has been with her bf for 2 and a half years. He has a little girl who will be 2 next week. When the child was conceived it was just a drunken night and the girl was pregnant when my sister started dating him. I think it was a dumb move on her part, but whats done is done. Anyway, the little girl has always known my sister as mommy. Nobody told her to call my sister mommy, she just started doing it on her own because she saw my sister with daddy and automatically thought she had 2 mommys. So the real mother has now officially walked away. After a long battle she simply gave full custody to the father and retained some visitation. (She abused the child and children's services has been to her house multiple times) The children's services office did another report on her yesterday presumably. My sister and her bf haven't heard from the baby mama in several days and she hasn't come to pick up the little girl for nearly 2 weeks. Now they are trying to figure out how to explain things to the little girl in a way that won't make her realize that her mother abandoned her. My suggestion was to tell her that she was too good for the mommy that pushed her out of her belly so my sister became her new mommy. I have no sympathy or desire to preserve the baby mama's reputation because she walked away from her own child after abusing her!! I think that they should protect the little girl's self esteem before worrying about the baby mama's reputation! I don't know if I am thinking clearly though because I adore that little girl and I hate her mother for abusing her. That isn't to say that my sister and her bf don't hate the baby mama as well, but we all want to do what is best for the little girl. Any advice?

Why do you some girls teat guys like garbage?

You should definitely shun her. I knew a girl like that. Even when I treated her like **** and told her to f off Id still get the when she was mad at her new bf. That was pretty much all she had going for her and all of them got that so...definitely shun her.

Who are the guest perfomers on american idol season 9?

who are the signers on thurdays nights? im sure like clarkson lambert pickler underwood.. does anyone have a schedule? thx

Intel Core 2 duo and intel Core 2 Quad

Does it mean that the FSB of core 2 duo is double pumped and core 2 quad is quad pumped or is it QUAD pumped FSB for both?

Do you think this is this Abuse?

okk so me and my boyfriend have been dating for a year and about a month now and we are each other's first loves. we honestly cant get enough of each otherr. we are always happy and make each other's day all the time. the only thing imperfect is when he get angry. for example last night i wanted to talk to him because im getting surgery and im TERRIFIED! but all he wanted to do was talk about things that we have a life time for. anyways he'll sit there call me names such as the b word and a***hole. he tells me that i should find a new boyfriend but good luck. i tell him maybe i need to find someone to talk to you he says good luck with that.basically he cuts me down and makes me feel like dirt. he admits to intentionally hurting me and not caringng. hes told me that he'll just start becomingng more attracted to other women and if we ever broke up hed rather break up with me so i feel the most pain. this has been getting worse and every time it happens he says he'll change but he never does. i DON"T know what to do...i love him and he loves me....but is what hes doing to me considered abuse?..and i not how do i fix this mess?...PLEASE HELP im really at a loss

Problems with my Worcester heatslave 15/19!?

I just put oil in the tank, 2 days later the boiler goes out. I had a guy come look at it and he says it was the water pressure. He fixes it and it turns on. I come back from work a few hours later and its off again and no hot water or heat. Can anyone tell me something else that might be wrong? The watchman downstairs is reading (r) if that means anything but there is definitely oil in the tank. Could it be a oil problem?

MAC studio fix powder plus foundation for oily acne probe skin?

I wouldn't recommend any MAC foundations or powders for oily acne prone skin. They are all very heavy and will certainly clog your pores. I would opt for something designed specifically for your skin type.

How to build a projectile launcher?

I have to make a projectile launcher, not a bottle launcher for physics cl. It has to launch an object 30 meters. I have no idea how to make something like this. Any ideas? Has anybody done this before that could help me out?

Is there parking at Union station in Cincinnati OH?

I want to take the train to Indy to catch a flight, but need to know if there is someplace for me to park my car at the train station in Cincy. Anyone know?

Youkilis for Hammels?

Youkolis would be great to trade for Hamels, but I am a little nervous about the injury. I think I would offer him for guys like Webb and Halladay, see if anyone bites. If not, I think I would settle for Hamels, he will probably be fine, and your staff needs help.

Good and bad trainers.(for the ppl)?

My best instructor by far was my first one. Her name was Jessica, and she taught me almost everything I know about horses. She always got me to try new things, and would work one on one with me many times. After a new horse I rode took off on me the first time I rode her, she talked me into riding her again. Because of that I fell in love. I still remember the grueling lessons of having to post without stirrups. I hated them, but in return I became a better rider. (Once I began riding lessons I was so happy that I would not have to have posting lessons anymore lol). My worst instructor was when Jessica got thrown from her horse, and wasn't able to instruct for a few months. The instructor was a young adult, and all she cared about was the money. After every lesson she would come up to me and har me about why I haven't paid. When I clearly told her that my parents always pay at the end of the month. Plus, she wasn't a paid employee so I knew I shouldn't be paying her. For the few weeks she taught me, I dreaded going to the barn. She was very strict, and did not know how to work with me. What got me to go there was the fact that I was doing it for the horses. I always gave the money to Jessica's daughter, and in the end Jessica came back and all was well again!

How long will my hamburger meat stay good in the fridge?

My fiance set some ground beef in the fridge either late on wed. or early thursday from the freezer to thaw. Its still pretty red in color and i want to make sure that if i cook it tonite it will still be good, now that its 4 1/2 days later. By the way the meat was completely frozen when he put it in fridge.

Obama's health care can co-exist with private insurance?

A recent study says the public health care plan can co-exist with private insurance because they estimate only 12 million people will sign up. The statistic that Obama used in his speech is that 40 million people are uninsured. If only 12 million sign up, what about the other 28 million? Does it have to p to cover the 40 million? Is it OK for it to p because only 12 million will use it? Are any of the projections accurate given the wide gap in numbers? Are they just making up numbers to fit present argument? It doesn't add up.

When Obama picked Rahm, did it leave you with a sick feeling of betrayal?

The 'change' coming in Washington is a change from the Bush people in office to the Clinton and Carter people back in office. Aren't you glad now that you voted for Obama?

What does Virtuoso Intellect mean?

Beyonce's new album is said to be entitled Virtuoso Intellect? I like dat word but what the **** does it mean? ha ha

Start Mike Bell or Anthony Gonzalez in my flex spot?

eventhough the jags are kinda tough i would definetly go wih AG, now being the WR2 at Indie he's gonna get a ton of pes thrown his way, i wouldnt hesitate of putting him in specialy in a PPR league.

Our national food supply is contaminated by rocket fuel and it is affecting the development of women, infants,?

and children. The band aid is taking a 150 mg iodine supplement, why do we let big AG and DOD stop us from talking about it?

Won Ton Wrapper Fillings (recipes, your favorite, ideas, etc.)?

Dumplings I love them steamed or in soups. Variations. Shrimp with ground pork, minced onions,salt and pepper,egg. You can also use crab flakes,egg,onions,

But but republicans are mean and greedy and dont want to p laws that will be nice and give me free stuff!!!?

wahh wahh boo hoo! is that the liberal mindset? all they seem to complain about is that republicans are blocking bills that will make more government handouts and a larger government. maybe the two parties should start talking about actually getting rid of some of these horrible programs that have gotten us into the situation we are now in?

Is Hillary so busy grandstanding that she forgot about al qaeda?

what ever happened to bin laden? pardon me for forgetting 9/11 happened 9 months after clinton left office

Friday, August 12, 2011

Ok my muslim friends i need answers, i feel like dying?

aww there there sweety, dont be depressed or terrified. You are very lucky that youre discovering this early on. Most people dont get it diagnosed on time. I know you did nothing wrong, you dont drink or smoke, and a very good girl. I'm the same way, I have insulin resistance for no reason at all, I found out i had it when I was 24. Its really wierd because I work out alot, pray and do not do bad things myself. I'm the only one in my family to have it I was mad for a very long time. My problem can lead to diabetes obesity, heart disease. Yup I'm the lucky one.... but I'm getting it treated and I joined a support group to help me deal with insulin resistence.

Duh!im a wrestling fan ,its real cool action?

and i know its real and benoit would never kill his wife and kid,he was such a nice person and is there a stupider type of person than ME!?

Can someone please help me?

Ok so there are two guys at work and Im trying to decide what is up with them if they like me or are just trying to be really good friends. The first guy is a little under a year younger then me and whenever he finds out that we are working together he's always so happy and is always seeming to care about my opinions on things and when we sit together at work his legs are always opened and faced towards me nd when he talks he does the head tilt and everything. And hes also super funny and apparently thinks Im hilarious and always makes me laugh. We have a weird relationship where I act like I hate everyone else at work but him and when he gets "mad" its always really hilarious but either way its like mostly he jokes around a lot and has his chest pointed towards me and is interested in what I have to say. His name is Dennis. And then the other guy Liam is an area supervisor of where I work and he is above everyone. Whenever he comes in, which happens a lot, he talks to the managerss and I am the only ociate he ever talks to . He is always really nice and sweet and asks me how Im doing and whatnot. Now he's also visited me when I was moved to another stand and checked up on me quite a few times. When he talks to me he tends to stammer and hes always smiling. Does he like me or is he just being friendly? Please tell me what you think on both Dennis and Liam

Does OU owe it's entire football legacy to Texas?

With us sending guys up there like Adrian Peterson, don't you think they should bow down to the Great State of Texas? Sure, we got Darrell Royal from Oklahoma, but that's the only real football genius they have ever produced (and boy did he love beating OU). If Oklahoma didn't have Texas as a recruiting ground, would they have enough players for a six man football team?

Is the iPhone any different if i buy it on pay as you go?

I know PAYG may cost much more but why bother if you can have an iPhone totally free. Just follow simple instructions and in no time you can have lock free iPhone at your door. Check it out: a href="" rel="nofollow" All the best in your mobile hunting.

Could someone explain my dream please? ?

I can not help explain your dream. I have had similar strange dreams that I can not make sense of. I would say it is just one of those things. It will continue through out life try not to over think them too much. That is what I try to do with my strange dreams. I have had a friend shut me off from telling him about my dreams. They would freak him out and he wanted no part of knowing them. He said "I dream normal stuff." "You dream strange weird shat no more of your dreams please".

Music's my motivation an Im in need of some new music (current or clics) to clean..Any suggestions?

I listen to almost anything from Korn to Kenny Rogers to techno so Im open to suggestions...please help, my room's a pig sty! hehe

What does this zoning mean?

a house for auction in my area that i wanna go see has an information brochure, and under zoning it says "RHD". im thinking that means 'rural housing district', but not sure. any ideas? thanks.

Whats your favorite Double standard?

Like it or not we have many double standards in our society, for example. When a woman cheats its because her man failed to take care of her but when a man cheats he's a pig. Whites are bigots but blacks are victims! You don't have to agree with them but I find it amusing that we have so many and would like people to spout off!

Serious sleeping problems 22weeks + 2days pregnant.?

try using a body pillow. but honey i'll say it get worse around ur due date i know i couldnt get comfortable for nothing..

Why won't The Covenant level in Halo 3 load?!?

Okay, I'm trying to get the Marathon Man achievement and I need the Covenant to do so. It loads up to 20% then goes to 0% and tries again, then fails and it says "Players failed to load content"...???? I've done this level like 6 times, WHY NOW?? Someone please tell me what's going on and how to fix it...please! Thanks

Democrats. It looks like Obama has a very good chance now for the nomination. It's your fault!?

Not my fault. I haven't even gotten a chance to vote in the primaries yet and I would have voted for Dennis Kuchinich if the media hadn't denied him the right to share his views on tv and caused him to quit.

Is this a repro. E. Larroque oil of Ben Franklin.?

I have an oil showing 3 men in a tavern scene and it is signed E. Larroque. I see the same identical painting for sale for almost 5K. One man standing in front of the fireplace is Ben Franklin I ume, of course, that this is a repro although it is well done. How do I determine value if any?

Should women have flat or round backsides?

Don't answer it men. It is a trick feminist question. If you make a choice they will say you are objectifying women.

How do people make long skid marks?

I was driving and I saw a good 40 yards of dark skid marks.,how does thos happen? Prize to best answer

By seebeck effect,y there is no flow of current wen d junctions of d 2 conductors r kept in same temperature?

There are many ways to produce EMF, but the way we get it in case of Seebek effect, is the difference of temperature of the two junctions. Due to this difference, electrons have different energies. They move and create an electric current ONLYIF THERE IS A DIFFERENCE IN TEMPERATURES. If both the junctions are kept at the same temp., there will be no flow of electrons... and hence... no flow of current.

Question about hazing in the United States Marine Corps, and boot camp?

I have two questions, the first one is about hazing, I know its a movie, but do things like being forced to get branded (like in Jarhead) really happen in the Corps? How bad is the hazing? My second question is kind of stupid haha, but when in boot camp, and nature calls, more specifically much time do you get to use the restrooms? Without getting to graphic, I tend to take a while dropping the kids off at the pool, will this be a problem? Thanks

If this statistic is true, why even bother?

Why bother reading stats? The point of dating is to meet someone you feel you can be with forever. Trust is something that comes with time, and I'm sure there have been plenty of successful marriages out there. For example before my grandfather died (RIP) he had been married to his wife for 66 years, no cheating, or affairs, sure they argued (mostly in Italian) but they had a healthy relationship. The problem with couples now is that they are getting married younger and younger and they don't know how to deal with the stresses of married life. They don't know how to talk to one another when there is a problem or how to find help, therefore cheating and affairs come into play. My opinion is, if you find someone who is special to you and you are always honest and open with them as they are to you, then you will end up in a great relationship that lasts a very long time. I am currently engaged and have been with my fiance for a year and been living with him since April, I have never been happier and I trust him more than anyone I have known. We are always open about our needs and talk about our worries and problems. I believe that we have a very good chance at a very successful marriage. I'm sure you can have the same if you just ignore the negative and focus on the positive.

Can you make sense out of this relationship issue?

What about if you've been cheated on, and you find yourself becoming possessive because of that trust issue? Can time not heal all wounds? What if she's being told how bad of a boyfriend you are to her b/c of your possessive nature that stemmed from some cheating incidents? How do you justify this? How do you fix the issue if your relationship is on the brink? I guess i could fit the stereotypical possessive/obsessive type, and we've talked about it...but it seems to be the main issue for some reason...And sorry carries no weight opposed to a break up..b/c there is love still between us...what can you do to resolve the issue?

Anyone seen this audio of Wilts 100 points?

a href="" rel="nofollow"

I keep getting asked permission when I want to move/change/delete a folder. I use Vista?

I am pretty much computer illiterate so I have no idea what to do, and don't understand 'computer' talk. Would someone be able to give me a step by step thing on how to fix this? I want to move some of my folders and change them

Is there anyone who has gone through a marriage separation and reconciled with their spouse?

My wife and I have been together for ten years and married five and a half years. She recently found on our computer and now says she doesnt trust me or look at me the same way. I have been in therapy myself, I did ask her to go with me but she refused. We have been separated for six weeks during this time she has been living at her dads house and staying with her cousin in Oakland, who is single, parties all the time and is a known pot trafficker. She has been home twice to get clothes and a couple of things, I actually brought a truckload of her things to our storage unit for her, and when I asked her to help me unload it she got mad. She says she wants to move in with her cousin in Oakland, I asked if she wanted me to forward her mail and she said she would take care of it, that was three weeks ago, so I have to bring her mail to her. She got a uhaul and got about half of her stuff out of storage three weeks ago. She has not made any legal actions yet as far as divorce, she said she was considering legal seperation but that was over three weeks ago. At first I was begging and pleading with her to stay, come home, give me a chance, calling her and texting her, letting her know how much I love and care about her and so on. I have not made any contact with her in one week, which is really hard. I guess I want to know if there is any one who has been on either side of a marriage seperation, (husband, wife, the one who left or the one who wanted to save the marriage) and if you have any good advice for me. And should I pack and bring her things to storage for her to get or make her come get them on her own. Also I have made some pretty profound changes in myself during this time, I smoked pot for about twelve years and I have not smoked for six weeks, I am taking college courses online, oh and also I installed a blocker on my laptop.

Would you rather have a monarchy or presidency?

Because the three branches of government keep one person from ruling over everyone. Our government is set up to promote deliberative democracy.

How do I best warm up my hedgehog?

My father hates having the heat on( he finally agreed to turn it on tho), but since fall has been blowing in, it has increasingly been getting colder. My hedgehog has been sleeping a lot, his belly is chilly. I know that this is not good, because he's trying to go into some sort of hibernation. But he's always sleeping, very sluggish, and he won't eat. Right now he is on my tummy inside my jacket (with a gap so he can breathe of course), I'm trying to warm him. Are there any other methods I can try? Once I do get him warmed up, I'll be putting fleece in his sleeping box and a warm blanket around his living area to better keep him warm. But how can I best warm him up now?

ALGEBRAAA HELP! illl hellp you if you helll me :) 10 points best answerr!?

Dude, just go to a href="" rel="nofollow" and type in these equations and it will graph and solve them for you.

Mario, Sonic, Spyro, Crash, Frogger, or Pac Man?

I pick Mario. He is Nintendo's mascot and he is the most famous all time video game character. He looks great in a red suit and a red hat or cap. Mario and Luigi make the perfect team of partners as brothers and when they're together, anything is possible. I love Mario's old original clic platform games where you hit blocks for coins and mushrooms that make you mega size and where you jump on Goomba's heads and Koopa's shells. So who do you like best and why? Mario, Sonic, Spyro, Crash, Frogger, or Pac Man? LOL Just curious guys.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Am i sabotaging any chances i have with love?

i some reason get over guys really fast like liiiiiterally over night one day im stoked on life the next im like ehh im over ittt, also i just always am making up excuses as to why this persons not right for me, i also get tend to think the worst in every situation i KNOW i have let good guys go but i cant figure out if im doing this or are these guys just really not right? can anyone relate?

Can you make my name look cool for myspace?

my nick name is mandy but i spell it like mandii i think its cuter with the two I's at the end so like ({`~Mandii~}) hope that helps lol

I have 2 male chinese hamsters which are fighting .. i am not sure what to do . thanks mel?

we was told that they should be fine living together because chinese hamsters live in groups . thanks mel

Kholes jeans??!?!??????????

im about to go to kholes and get some jeans. are there jeans lke good, like my hollister jeans get baggy and loose right away and it looks horrible do kholes jeans do that?

What reading would you suggest for a Goth girl?

My favorite authors are Neil Gaiman, Edgar Allen Poe, and Anne Rice. I also like comics: anything by Roman Dirge, Voltaire, Jhonen Vasquez, etc. I love vampire novels. But that does not mean that I have any desire to read the Twilight series. Or the Vampire Kisses series.

What is the best core 2 duo processor within he price range 10,000 Bangladeshi taka?

you dont know how much it cost, then how should we that probably live on the other side of the world tell you what it cost where you live? just go to a store and ask -.-

What should I do :( My girlfriend is so horrible to me :(?

i am no love magician but i know when a relationship isnt right and this my friend is one of those you have to leave. The person you are goin out with is suppose to make you feel good about yourself. fighting fire for fire only leads to inferno.not that am giving you any credit but anyone that'll use your history to get at you isnt just worth you. mind you, being in a relationship has its own challenge, regardless, yours is too soon to be goin through this kind of things. Hop out dear friend while your heart can still recover and love again hence you'll end up being the kinda person u dont wanna nature we all wants to be appreciated, what pple say to us may not matter as much as what we say to ourselves but its sure important

Credit Score 714 Average is 665 nothing on credit but $190k student loans $5k credit limit how raise score?

I need to increase credit score. I've paid all negative credit off and had accounts deleted from credit report. Only thing on credit reports are 2 good cars 1 inactive good credit card and 2 active good credit cards with $2500 limit on each. Trying to get bar loan and don't have a co-signer.

Is it true that kids in middle school can play on high school varsity teams if they are good enough?

I heard that Brett Favre did this and started both ways for the high school team as a seventh grader, does this actually happen in some sports today?

Where did most Asian immigrants arrive?

How were they treated? Why were they treated this way? Was this fair? And how was it different from Ellis Island?

M layoffs at Yahoo as Google shares rise. Divine justice for Yahoo brownshirts?

Dos Vidanya Comrades I am sure they can find a job in a shovel ready one along side a road with Obama's pick and shovel crew of "new" jobs

Sister wont let me take pictures of my niece anymore, facebook issue, control issue..?

Well, I can understand where you are coming from of being a proud aunt and wanting to post pictures. I think it's wrong if your sister is really ashamed of her baby. The child does not deserve that. As far as the facebook pictures go, I think you should just accept her request because it's her child and she doesn't want the pictures posted. So just continue to love your niece and spend time with her but don't post any pictures out of respect for your sister. I see no reason that you two should fall out about photos. And if the family wants to see photos of the baby then let the mother be the one to send them. She is the mother so just enjoy being a Aunt to your baby niece. The fact that you mentioned other things that had nothing to do with the photos which was what you question was regarding gives the impression that you are angry that your sister did not give her baby to you for adoption. If adoption is what you want there are other options out here for adopting a child and many children in need of homes.

A simple constant acceleration in a straight line kinematics question?

A particle is projected in a straight line with constant acceleration. With respect to a coordinate along the projection line, the initial velocity of the particle is positive. One second after the projection of the first particle, a second particle is projected from the same point with half the initial velocity and double the acceleration of the first particle. At the instant when the second particle overtakes the first, their respective speeds are 31 m/s and 22 m/s. Calculate the distance traversed in metres and the time in seconds when the overtaking event occurs.

Could I2 be used instead of Cl2 to test for Br-? Why?

No. Chlorine is the strongest oxidizing agent of the halogens, Iodide is the weakest. Conversely, Iodide is the strongest reducing agent of the halogens, and chloride the weakest. Bromine and bromide are midway in both series. Therefore Cl2 oxidizes Br- and I2 does not. Conversely, I- reduces Br2 and Cl- does not.

Can someone please help me find a purse like this???? PLEASE!!?

okay the purse is really cute. lol and it kinda looks like a quilt, but not a grandma one its got like pink and black polka dotted square, black and white polka dots..ect. its really cute and its kinda big. i was wondering if they sold them online somewhere

I need to know what I need to do to get a radeon 9200 agp video card working in my dell gx270 it has onboard ,

dell gx270 has onboard video and its set to auto in the bios but when I install the new card and start the computer the screen says no signal even when I try both the onboard plug and the plug on the new card. Please I need some instructions on how to resolve this problem. The radeon 9200 is a 128 mb card.

How bad off is the Czech Republic when the President steals a pen?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Should I seriously have a 'talk' with her...?

Yes you should have a talk with her. Looking at this on a rational standpoint, what would happen if you didn't talk to her. Things that bother you.. you're going to have to cope with for the rest of your relationship with her because you didn't tell her what was wrong and she's going to ume it's okay. Whether you want a fight of not, it may happen now or later. Relationships aren't always perfect and dandy. You must work things out to resolve your problem. I really hope things work our for you two, because relationships get tough sometimes and sometimes weak people just give up without a fight.

Babys weight gain? and feeding issues.?

As long as your dr has no concern then all is fine. Also as long as her weight and Hight are close in percentiles then she is fine. My son is small in the 1% and 3% for height and weight. If the numbers were far apart like 20% and 80% then their would be cause forcincern. My two older children were always in the 80-85% percentile and are now 8 and 3 they are not fat one is slim and the other is average. She will slim down usually between 1and 2 years old when she starts walking.

Have you gotten into a fight with a skier or a snowboarder?

Ya, But it was a 500 pound kid. The worst he tried to do was sit on me. By that time i had him crying for donuts.

How big a difference will 3 cm make on a snowboard?

So at the moment I ride a 2009 k2 www which supposedly rides like a 157. If I buy a Burton love at 155 will it make a big difference?

Speed of a projectile, physics problem?

A projectile is shot from the surface of Earth by means of a very powerful cannon. If the projectile reaches a height of 35,000m above Earth's surface, what was the speed of the projectile when it left the cannon?

How to deal with stress?

Forget boys for now, wait until you finish school. You need to focus on school and never forget family, they are always there for you. Try venting to one of them, if you can't then go to a counselor at school, therapy, so I've heard, is expensive. So try counseling at school first.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) question?

I know what you mean. I have anxiety with ANY caffeine I drink now. I cant even have the smallest piece of chocolate without my anxiety going out of control and heart racing etc. I'm told it is a BIG contributer to anxiety. If you stop caffeine (I know its hard) all together then your symptoms should improve. What do you take for GAD? The dr says I dont have depression or anything so the most she would prescribe me is a beta blocker and sleep medication but nothing else.

Genotypes (Dihybrid Crosses Question)?

keep on crossing barkers until no silent trailers are produced. breed this with drooped-eared individuals

Do you think any of Chris Benoit's other kids still watch wrestling?

If they only watch WWE, they wouldnt be reminded of what happend. Its just a thought.. Dont get so mad

Guys i think there should be no religion at all wat do you guys.. first religion is the religion of humanity?

we have to leave this religion for the future of our coming generatoins..This religion is making us dumb and bad in the modern society.I am feeling very sorry to say that our religion is the only flaw in our society and making us a bloody monster.. i am very sad to say that the thing we were grown up was a merely a false belief and it doesnot work for us any more... i am very sorry to say that our religion works any longer .. and a big revolution is coming in all over the world .. The revolution of democracy ,prosperity ,peace and hormony will spread all over the world to change this bad world into a new world without any narrowness of religion or beliefs. and this world will be changed into a peaceful place and there will be no hate intolorence among different nations.All the human beings will live peacefully and honestly with each other.. The rule of humanity will change the whole world into a lovely and tremendous place full of joy and happiness..Let there be no descrimination between both the es and male and female will develop this society into a place like a paradise.Peoples will help in develping each other and humanity will be the new religion in the world.. My heart predicts that.....what do you guys think????

Projectile motion!! plz help?

a movie stunt driver on a motorcycle speeds horizontally off a 50.0 meter high cliff. how fast must the motorcycle leave the cliff top if it is to land on level ground below, 90.0 meters from the base of the cliff?

What would be the best all-purpose knife?

What would be the best all purpose knife for under $100? I want the knife to have a nice edge retention, easy sharpening, and full tang. I want to use it for all purpose from wilderness survival to daily utility use, and in combat. Like i said, all purpose, so i will have one knife to basically do anything.

Why would someone who was d be ually promiscuous?

is a crime of violence- force- even though it involves a ual act. A person who has been told that one should remain a virgin until marriage knows that it is no longer possible. The virginity was stolen; and there is no reversal. Sometimes people are indifferent to the needs of such an individual. and the person has to deal with the incident alone. Sharing the information in counseling may work for some; but once your business is public knowledge,you feel that you are not prized because everyone knows and you become an easy target for ual predators. Some females no longer pretend to be a virgin.Sadly, they become indifferent to STD and the dreaded diseaseAIDS. What does it matter now if they become infected and give a disease to a partner? What was stolen during - including self esteem and virtue-cannot be returned intact so why not be joie de vivre and enjoy life? I am not saying this is how your friend feels; but I know many victims who think this way. They are angry with society and promiscuity is one avenue that they explore in their effort to pay society back for a wrong that is often swept under the carpet or even unpunished.

Afl Grand final collingwood 98 saints 67 whats your pick?

Collingwood 120 - Saints 60. This was my original idea on last weeks Grand Final so I am still in the running to be right re who wins and by how much????

Quick Data question about bias?

State 3 different examples of statistical claims that have been made by the media (ex: newspapers, TV, internet, etc). In each case, mention any type of possible bias that could exist, either unintentionally or intentionally as well as any hidden or extraneous variables that may not have been accounted for. Explain your choices.

Okay here is my lineup anything i should change or anyone i should drop?

I gave you a little advice yesterday too. The 49ers defense is maybe a tad better than the Redskins. Watch the Chiefs defense as the year goes by though. (great acquisitions and a defense minded coach) You do need some help at WR too. Crayton is weak at #3. I like R. Brown.

JASON KIDD(Dallas Mavericks)?

JKIDD Hit his 100th triple double last night against the Hornets? Did he save it for the last game to pump everyone up!

Dreams help, please?!?!?

Anythings possible .. but just if this helps it seems like all the dreams your having about people trying to kill you ..uhh... do you have some insecurity in life, like worrying who likes you and who you have to make happy. Or that you need to make a good impression of yourself to everyone.

How do i buy a quilt? i want to buy a quilt for a climate thats not too hot or too cold? i live in bangalore?

i want to buy a double bed quilt. i wonder what material shud it be. the ones generally available are made of polyfibre with a cotton outer lining. wud it be a good idea to sleep in this synthetic fabric? what else shud i be looking at while buying a quilt?

SURVEY: Who are these SHIA RABBIS and WHY?

I think they-re all females called Maria. That's why so many people see them and call out as a greeting "Oy Vey, Maria!"

This question is for Canadians only?

Apparently, one of the winning tickets was bought in St. Catharines. The other two were bought in Toronto -- they have yet to be claimed.

Asteroid force question?

Ceres, the largest asteroid known, has a m of approximately 8.78�1020 kg. If Ceres pes within 11030 km of the spaceship in which you are traveling, what force does it exert on you? ume your m to be 66.4 kg, and treat yourself and the asteroid as a point objects.

Will Republicans support the demise of US currency on the world market?

Your'e kidding right? Far more republicans have signed on to the audit the fed bill than democrats. The federal reserve is what is causing our dollar to crash. Obama supports the fed. The federal reserve should have never been created.

What toys should i get for my hamster?

Hamster need a wheel and also thing to chew. I wouldn't recommend anything made of plastic in case the eat it but you can now get some great natural boredom breaks from most good pets shops like pets at home they do a great range for rodents.

Isn't it cool that most US Catholics and Mainline Protestants believe us Nonbelievers can get Eternal Life?

I guess, it's nice that they're starting to recognize that other people have the right to live differently.

Should my mom put her retirement money in an IRA or 403(b)?

I used a Fidelity 401k distributing to Latin America and Southeast Asia Funds. Did very well during the last few years, money grew strong. Check out Fidelity it is a solid company that is very focused on the type of investing you need. Do your homework.

How many moles are there?

A dilute sulfuric acid solution that is 3.39 m H2SO4 has a density of 1.18 g/mL. How many moles of H2SO4 are there in 375 mL of this solution?

Is this outfit appropriate for work?

Dear i suggest you see it worked for me too hats off to keep using it.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Can you use an iron on decal on a crochet blanket?

I'm crocheting my first baby blanket and I'd like to put an iron-on winnie the pooh on it for my baby's nursery. Can I do that? Will it ruin my blanket? If nothing else, could I cut out a piece of fabric matching the decal and put it underneath the blanket with the decal on top of the blanket (like a sandwich) so that the glue has something to grab onto through the holes? The holes are pretty tight, too. You can barely see through them. Thanks in advance for any advice, and please be gentle. I'm a beginner!

Is this MTX a good subwoofer amp combo?

Yeah good price but nothing great. nothing to say hey guys look at this. I stay away from mtx gear. Try soundstream make great subs and kick *** amps.

Where can I download music directly from the internet for free?

This product is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like the Internet again. Speeds are up by 90-95%. Now, I’m downloading from the Web in much less than 1/16 the time, The install was flawless and now, so are my downloads. Thanks to Flickr music and Movies downloads. Try it yourself a href="" rel="nofollow"

Wat to do about a guy u love?

well i started collage and we were going to our first tutor meeting and thats were i met brent i instantly had feelings for him and when i told my bestie courtney she asked him out for me so that was that. but it took him 6 daz to answer which was yes. so on our first outing we were with most hiz matez and mine i tried to get closer and hold hands but he did nothin. only when the bell went he would walk me to my cl and kiss me no tounge just quick nip this was so weird. tiz happend the nxt dy to but the third he dumped me and that made go cry in the girl loos. so i let him not even talk to me for two weeks but why not talk i didnt do any think wrong he was the one who dumped me. so i txt him off my cosins phone and wen he txt back i got shity and started a fight. we got over it. and wen got back to skewl i pulled the fingers but he just smile his cute smile. so thz is how it is we some times make eye contact but i look away. now i have mad feelings for him and think about us before i go to sleep. wat do i do ive totally need help i think i lov thiz guy byt we just dont talk and chavez friend thinks im jealous of him hangin with other girls but im not just crazy for him help?

Difference between amigurumi and crochet?

Amigurumi is just a Japanese word meaning knitted toy. There are plenty of patterns online, and free ones from Lion Brand. I am learning to crochet, hoping to be able to make them some time. And books on both knitted and crocheted ones, of course.

What is the best way to get to Celestun, on the gulf, 1hr from Merida.?

We will be travelling from Playa del Carmen. Is it really inconvenient to go by bus. I know it would be better by rental car but am thinking of the price. Any tips???

What is the movie where bruce willis is in heaven as a baby has a little blue bow in his hair hes tring to fin?

a family to be born into he is talking to either an angel or maybe it was god I don't remember.It could have been tom hanks but I don't think so.

Why religious men can't control their desires?

Well, ual instincts are rather strong, you see. The urge to mate and all that good stuff. Sometimes ual frustration is stronger then religious shame.

What percentage of people who get tattoos keep them?

100%. lol. u cant get them and then lose them. they are permanent. once u get them... u kinda have to keep them. if u r referring to lazer removal i wld say not a huge percentage....maybe rephrase the q

"This Love" By Ke$ha HELP~!?

Does anyone know where I can download it? (free, direct links -that work!!- will get picked!!!) I already tried frostwire, and I refuse to get the Veronicas' version....

Air Force Firefighting?

So Im in the DEP and was waiting to get a job. my top 5 jobs were in-flight refueling,Fire protection, Airborne Operation,signals, medical services. I Always thought it was nearly impossible to get fire protection...but....I got it i was shocked to hear it!! anyways im just looking to get some info on the schooling for it. Thank you

I missed the latest Smackdown! What happened? (more inside) + YWWA Breakdown Vote/Promo?

PD sorry if i missed any matches...But i won't be able to promo or anything until Monday or Tuesday.

Is this some kind of OCD?

Im 14 years old. I dont think I have OCD, but im not sure. If someone comes in my bedroom, i cant let them sit on my bed, because im afraid theyll mess it up, even though it already messed up. I start getting a weird feeling when someone sits on my bed. I dont like people touching my things, if they do i get really upset. I also feel really strange when someone comes in my room. Also, if im playing a board game or something, the pieces HAVE to be centered, or ill go nuts. And when im sitting on the couch, i dont like anyone sitting on the crack between each cushion, but i feel ok if I do. And at the computer, its bothers me if the speakers arent straight, if you know what i mean.

MCR fans... Have you seen this logo?

Hey, this is a little vague but I remember very early on in their career My Chemical Romance had a logo on one of their t-shirts (or some other merch) of a girl (I think) holding a gun to her head after shooting herself and the bits flying away were erflies, does anyone have a photo of this they could send me? My best friend wants it as a tattoo and we've looked everywhere with no luck :( no negative comments about the band, dont waste your time

Why are Hutts such good gangsters..?

It would seem they can't even hold a blaster with such small arms, and they don't look extremely mobile either.. How were they able to build a criminal empire without doing some dirty work?

How do you get choosen for tickets by SNL?

i sent my email in, but how do i know if i'll get it,and how does SNL choose? Do they just put all the request together and just pull them out randomly?

Period is a week late ?

I was ually active up until like 2 months ago. I used to take the pill while i was with him except for the last month or so of our relationship we used condoms ( so i quit the pill around 3 months ago ) . After the last time we had I got my period at it's normal time. Now I've been waiting 5 weeks and still no period ! I thought twice that I felt menstrual cramps and back pain , plus I've had a lot of clear discharge but no blood. Is it possible that I'm pregnant ? I was nauseous today out of the blue and almost vomited. However I did just start kickboxing recently and have had some stress. Could those be causes for my late period ? help ! thank you

Que es bueno para la tos?

hola estoy embarazada tengo poco un mes y tengo mucha tos mi doctor me dijo que no puedo tomar nada que no sean te de limon con miel si alguin me pueda decir de un te bueno para la tos y que no le aga dano a mi bebe selos agradeseria mucho

Who introduced Simon & Garfunkel on the 'Concert in the Park'?

The first track of S&G's "Concert in the Park" CD (Mrs. Robinson) starts with a guy saying "Ladies and gentlemen... Simon and Garfunkel!". It sounds a lot like Norm MacDonald from SNL, but I know it's most likely not! Who was that guy?

How do I talk to an eight year old boy about ?

He turned eight two weeks ago. So he's seen some small parts on television and in movies and he just umes "" is a girl and boy laying in bed naked together kissing. Recently his father had a talk with him about how girls and boys get different "feelings" sometimes after he said he sometimes gets wierd pee-pee feeling. We've really never talked about it and he only sometimes shows curiousity beacause he already thinks he knows what it is. He thinks girls just get pregnant when they feel like it. I'm just wondering how I'm supposed to go about explaining everything to him and when.

Why do Australians get mad whenever I talk to them about crocodiles?

i have an aussie m8 and he never gets mad lol he takes the mick too out of us were only joking though you should neve take it too seriously

My boyfriend cheated on me what will i do?

Me and my boyfriend are going out 2 and a half years, he is 20 and i'm 19 we have a baby together he is 1 it is always rough between us meening were always fighting or shall i say i'm always in a bad mood with him i don't know why but i kinda pushed him away, now i recently found out he cheated on me with 1 girl they were texing and they met up once and kissed, i can't stop thinking about it and i don't know what to do were practically back together but i do want to be with him but o don't in a way?HELP?????

Monday, August 8, 2011

Spanish Help- Affirmative and Negative Forms of Commands?

I'm having alot of difficulty understanding the affirmative and negative forms of commands in Spanish. Do any of you have any tips or websites that can help me learn this? Thanks!

Can anyone explain why it is ok to use a single core cable + separate cpc for radial circuits?

If there is only a single core i.e. phase conductor in the radial circuit, then how do you connect a neutral and earth to spurs?

Is it worth the risk to work as a Customer Service Representative?

I have the opportunity to take a new job as a Customer Service Representative w/c pays a handsome salary that doubles the minimum wage.But the distance from home will be quite far about 15 kms in the next city.But my friend said not to worry since they provide transportation only in going to the workplace.Currently i work as an internet cafe cashier pays lower than minimum wage but the job is a relaxed one since i get to listen 2 music,surf the internet during my graveyard shift.I took the job aunt offered it to me while i was still looking for a job for a big company.So i am considered underemployed right now in this job since i graduated w/ a 4-year Business degree in College.I know i had to take a serious career that pays well w/ what i studied for in college.But will the high pay & hardwork be worth it when i know i won't be as relaxed & in control compared w/ my present job.

What is with the onslaught of people asking how do they becomes vampires?

Some people are stupid, and they relate to a "certain" writer's level of intelligence more easily than with 'real' ones.


i have 2 chinchillas and they are 5 months old, they are very big now, but the only problem is they hate me. the smaller chinchilla, when i try picking him up to take him out so i can clean the cage, hes more boney then the other one. i feel like im hurting them they squeel and they go to the corner of the cage and try to hide. i dont let them run around a room, im afraid theyll get lost or go behind a piece of funitire i can not get inback of, are they always going to be like this??? i try to care for them so much but im about to just give up, i even bought them a wheel and they never use it, I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name of this house episode?

The only thing I remember is house "cuts" and cameron goes over to his house and checks on him. He's wearing a dark blue fleece...if that helps. I remember seeing it on tv but I don't know which episode it was

More scandal at Blue Peter?

What does everyone think of the new accusations that have come to light that the presenters are infact not real but computer generated imagery. Apparently the fake presenters scandal goes all the way back to John Nokes who was made out of a couple of egg boxes some tinsel and some double sided sticky tape.

Why in the world did Lady Gaga cancel her tour?

i was SO super stoked that my idol, Lady Gaga, was going to be on tour. that's like, the only thing i was looking forward to for months. then i heard that she canceled her tour? why?!?!?

Who? What? Where? people companies that donate to charity?

Im a Volunteer at Stockport Sea Cadets which is a registered charity we run basically only on donations and we dont have any money at the moment we have sent off for grants but no replys also basically there is a bit of damage to our sewage which will cost quite alot to mend we have cadets doing bag packs we are also orgnising a fun day i was wondering if anyone knows what companys will donate to charitys and if anyone is willing too donate this will help us and our contry alot as 90% of our cadets go on to joining the armed forces if they have no where to train or revise or meet then the percentage will go down to about 20% x thanks for any help

Is this too old-ladyish for high school?

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