Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Why would someone who was d be ually promiscuous?

is a crime of violence- force- even though it involves a ual act. A person who has been told that one should remain a virgin until marriage knows that it is no longer possible. The virginity was stolen; and there is no reversal. Sometimes people are indifferent to the needs of such an individual. and the person has to deal with the incident alone. Sharing the information in counseling may work for some; but once your business is public knowledge,you feel that you are not prized because everyone knows and you become an easy target for ual predators. Some females no longer pretend to be a virgin.Sadly, they become indifferent to STD and the dreaded diseaseAIDS. What does it matter now if they become infected and give a disease to a partner? What was stolen during - including self esteem and virtue-cannot be returned intact so why not be joie de vivre and enjoy life? I am not saying this is how your friend feels; but I know many victims who think this way. They are angry with society and promiscuity is one avenue that they explore in their effort to pay society back for a wrong that is often swept under the carpet or even unpunished.

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