Sunday, August 14, 2011

I feel nostalgic and sad?

I can COMPLETELY relate to you, in age and in feelings. I feel miserable and sad all the time, and it's always on my mind. I've considered everything you have, and I long for my childhood everyday. I just try to distract myself by doing everyday activities, even though I'm sick of being normal and fitting in. It's like I have to fit in at my school or else you're an outcast. I distract myself with things that I like to do, like playing the piano and drawing. Drawing gets a lot of these mixed emotions out. Draw what you're feeling, and find something to do that doesn't make you feel like you're fitting in. Also, what I try to do, act like a kid sometimes! I get chalk and draw on the sidewalk, walk to the park, go get ice cream, etc. I try to stay young and act young, even though people say I'm very mature for my age. I'm not saying that teens like you and me are just going through mood swings and hormones, I'm saying that us few teens are going through something that not a lot of people understand and have never felt. Believe me, I'm going through the exact same thing! Pray, and act like a kid! Don't think that you have to fit in, be yourself! Express the child inside you trying to come out! We can do it! And I'm not saying that these feelings will go away immediately, give it time. Trust me, I deal with this too. Best of wishes!!

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