Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sister wont let me take pictures of my niece anymore, facebook issue, control issue..?

Well, I can understand where you are coming from of being a proud aunt and wanting to post pictures. I think it's wrong if your sister is really ashamed of her baby. The child does not deserve that. As far as the facebook pictures go, I think you should just accept her request because it's her child and she doesn't want the pictures posted. So just continue to love your niece and spend time with her but don't post any pictures out of respect for your sister. I see no reason that you two should fall out about photos. And if the family wants to see photos of the baby then let the mother be the one to send them. She is the mother so just enjoy being a Aunt to your baby niece. The fact that you mentioned other things that had nothing to do with the photos which was what you question was regarding gives the impression that you are angry that your sister did not give her baby to you for adoption. If adoption is what you want there are other options out here for adopting a child and many children in need of homes.

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