Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I need help with boys :(?

Me...? I wouldn't take any of the guys too seriously at this stage... after all, you guys are in your early teens. You're not even old enough to date "one on one." ( car dating should't start till you're at least 17 yo, 18 to 19 yo is even better). Be polite to everyone for now. Treat the guys much like you'd treat your annoying brother or cousin. Joke and kid around with them but don't take them seriously when they say they like you 'n want you to be their girl. He might be saying the same things to some other girl for all you know. It's all just a part of growing up, 'n trying out our social skills with the opposite . Trying to figure out what guys like in a girl... etc. What they like or don't like about you. But anyway, let the guy pursue you, let him make the first move, let him take the lead, you follow (up to a point). Don't phone him or text... he should be the one to phone or text you if he wants to. Talk or text for about 10 minutes or less and then politely excuse yourself and get off the phone / text. He can phone or text you back later, if he wants to. (again talk for 10 min. or less) But you should imply to him that you have things to do, places to go, you have a life, one that is busy, etc. You don't have to give any excuse if you don't want to. Let him wonder, what you're up to. Don't tell him all about yourself too soon, let him discover you little by little.

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