Monday, August 8, 2011

Is there a chance me and my ex will get back together?

so me and my boyfriend got into a huge arguement because i accused him of cheating way too many times and he got tired of it because he says no matter how many times he tells me he loves me that i will never believe it.. which i do take the blame because aftrer i accused him, he tried so hard to make things right , and when he walked me to school i acted lke a complete jerk. i just kept giving him unnecesary drama.. so the time came where he broke up with me over text message so i went nuts saying im sorry i love you hes like you say this thru text but in face its completely different and i kept begging him , and saying im crying and (he was crying) and i was like how could you do this how could you throw away some thing so speical etc.. and he finally said look lets see a therapist, i love you your special to me and i want to be with you your worth it so he offeredto see the therapist in theschool to help us out or you can come with me on monadys to mine and i offered my thereapist as well or maybe sleeping on it can be enough to fix us.. and then the next day came and he was avoiding me the whole entire day. either that or he went in late to schoool.. and then i ran into him, he hugged me, i was likesee you 8th period and i saw him and the end of the day he kissed me and im like so wanna go now to see the guy? and he goes no..i have detention sorry and im like whats going on between us now? and he goes i dont know. btw he didnt have detention, he just left afterwards to hang out with an old friend . and the thing is we made a promise to go to prom together because he bought his tux, we got our tickets, and then he texts me later saying arent i taking you to prom? and im like well its up to you he goes i can take you to prom but idk if it will be as my gf and im like whats going on ? just come out and say it . and he goes i think we should break up. and im like ok well you chose this not me.. and then he goes im sorry i understand if you dont want to be friends or go to prom together anymore . im like hey its up to you and he goes i still want to be your friend and take you to prom. and im like ok cool and then later that night he likes my status that says "like for rate" on facebook and his friend commented on his new changed relationship status and goes wtf? and he goes i know right why would people like this status. and he goes what happened? and he goes i dont want to talk about it .. also the next day at school i didnt look at him on purpose and mae it clear, he tried to walk with me from 8th period to my locker as usual but i just gave him the cold shoulder with my friend and he wakled off, slowly. but still hovering around.. what gives? i know he loves me but why is he acting like this ..

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